====== Circuit Bending ====== {{template>:project:infobox| name=circuit bending| image=bent-guitar.jpg?200| founder=[[user:harvie]]| status=idea}} ~~META: status = idea &relation firstimage = :project:bent-guitar.jpg ~~ * http://hackaday.com/?s=circuit+bending * HOWTO - Get sh*tloads of e-junk - Connect it to power supply - Short circuit it a bit (less or more intentionaly) - Connect two wires with needles on their ends to audio amplifier with speakers - Randomly try to find noise on the PCB using those needles - Add few buttons and pots - Make a **NOISE**EEEeeeee... ===== Need your TRASH! ===== If you have any old electronics that you would othervise throw away, please give it to [[user:harvie|me]] for this project. ===== CyberTrip ===== I've ordered small [[http://www.netliberty.net/dreamachine.html|strobe]] from china, so once it arrives i can tune it on [[wp>dreammachine|10Hz]] and synchronize the noise with it. And i believe this can make audience in small darkened room of hackerspace pass to their inner hyperspace (or to photosensitive epilepsy shock). ==== Books ==== * Nicolas Collins - [[http://uploading.com/files/get/84f89ef8/|Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking]] ===== Nicolas Collins VideoLessons (groovy!) ===== * Tutorial 2: In/Out - Electromagnetism Explained (Chapter 4) * Tutorial 3: Jumping Speakers (Chapter 5) * Tutorial 4: How to Solder (Chapter 6) * Tutorial 5: How to Make a Contact Mike (Chapter 7) * Tutorial 6: Drivers (Chapter 8) * Tutorial 7: Tape Heads (Chapter 9) * Tutorial 8: Electret Microphones (Chapter 10) * Tutorial 9: Laying of Hands (Chapter 11) * Tutorial 10: Hack the Clock (Chapters 12-15) * Tutorial 11: Your First Oscillator (Chapter 18) * Tutorial 12: From Breadboard to Circuit Board (Chapter 19) * Tutorial 13: On/Off (Chapter 21) * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial01/tutorial01-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial02/tutorial02-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial03/tutorial03-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial04/tutorial04-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial05/tutorial05-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial06/tutorial06-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial07/tutorial07-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial08/tutorial08-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial09/tutorial09-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial10/tutorial10-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial11/tutorial11-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial12/tutorial12-desktop.m4v * http://www.nicolascollins.com/video/tutorial13/tutorial13-desktop.m4v ===== Inspiration ===== {{http://asset.soup.io/asset/1225/8425_1b70.jpeg}}