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  • HAM Locator (MaidenHead): JO70FC (JO70FB right in front of the building!)

brmlab moved on March 25th 2018, currently we are in the process of rebuilding our glorious hackerspace. Feel free to drop by, but do not expect a completely finished hackerspace yet.

In case of trouble, try calling +420 608 801 582 (gsm phone in brmlab). (Please note that the old numbers to the Odorik network do *not* currently work, i.e. don't use 910114321 nor 910116384.)

Our space is open whenever some member is inside. In general, you'll have hard luck finding anyone there during the day, but most of the evenings, it is occupied. If you want to visit us, the best time is Tuesday evening or whenever some event is scheduled. Curious about what you can see in brmlab?

Entrance HowTo


  1. use white sliding gate labeled eclipse on the intersection of Na Třebešíně a Pod Kapličkou
  2. go straight (downhill) and then right
  3. use the green door (with small brmlab sticker) to enter the building, then use the left staircase to go to the 2nd floor
  4. brmlab is on the left (again, sticker on the door), futlab is on the right

Members can get inside anytime using their key (for the door below) and RFID card. Non-members need to get help from someone inside. (100% chance on Tuesday evenings, about 75% other evenings (less during holidays)).

There are multiple gates to the premises, but as the area is divided between multiple companies who don't allow free passing, you *must* use the eclipse gate (you will reach a fence if you try to enter through any other gate - sorry for that).


  1. na křižovatce ulic Na Třebešíně a Pod Kapličkou vlezeme bílou posuvnou bránou do areálu zřetelně označeného eclipse
  2. sejdeme z kopečka a pod kopečkem se dáme doprava
  3. zelenými dveřmi (s malou nálepkou brmlab) dovnitř, nalevo je schodiště, vylezeme do 2. patra
  4. brmlab je po levé straně (opět nálepka na dveřích), po pravé straně je futlab

Jsi-li člen, dostaneš se dovnitř pomocí klíče (pro spodní dveře) a RFID karty. Nejsi-li člen, je třeba pomoc někoho zevnitř. 100% šanci máš v úterý večer, jiné večery cca 75% (o prázdninách méně), dopoledne leda když ještě někdo nestihl jít spát…

Do areálu vede několik vchodů a vjezdů, ale protože je rozdělen mezi několik společností, které neumožňují průchod mezi sebou, *musíte* použít bránu eclipse - všemi ostatními cestami narazíte na plot, bohužel.

Public transport


  • the nearest well connected tram public transport station is “Mezi hrbitovy”. From here, the walk to the brmlab last cca 7 minutes.
  • there are closer bus stops “Červený dvůr” (bus 124) and “Třebešín” (155,175), but they are not very frequently used. From the bus stops, the walk to the lab last cca 3 minutes.


  • nejblizsi frekventovanou zastavkou s mnoha spoji MHD je “Mezi hřbitovy”. Primo u zastavky je pumpa OMW, kde i zacina ulice “U nakladoveho nadrazi” a tou se dame rovne. Postupne se budeme blizit k budove s napisem “Nagano Park”, k ni vsak ale az nedojdeme, nybrz zahneme doprava kolem pumpy “MOL” a dojdeme na dalsi krizovatku ulic “Pod kaplickou” a “Na Trebesine”. Vchod do arealu je primo u teto krizovatky po vasi leve ruce. Cesta pesky trva cca 7 minut.
  • o neco blizsi jsou autobusove zastavky “Červený dvůr” (124) a “Třebešín” (155,175), ty vsak uz nejsou tolik frekventovane. Ze zastavek je to jeste asi 3 minuty pesky.


Usually you can park your car at street near the facility main gate. At some places is parking allowed only for some time.

For supply delivery is possible to park directly in front of the building and use the big elevator.

Bicycle route

If You are into using a bike-sharing we'd recommend Rekola. There is an Rekola parking spot right in front of the areal.

Survival guide

  • Four server housings and five cemeteries in the 1km radius. No idea what does it mean.
  • non-stop gas stations (basic food and pharmacy products!)
    • Mol with baguettes
      • OMV with cafeteria

  • domácí potřeby/household goods:
    • FIXME

Old Location

Some photos to show you how the interior looked like at previous location, Bubenska 1.

There is a comprehensive "tour" gallery taken in September 2014. You can also watch 20 minutes brmlab introduction from 2016 (currently in Czech only).

More photos are available here.

place.1530992272.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/07 19:37 by lairen